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Fanyu 于纽约画室创作中


《向内生长》展览作品 Heart Blossom No.4-2023

抽象艺术,试图摆脱传统绘画对客观现实的描绘,通过形式、色彩和结构等元素来表达内心情感和精神境界。著名抽象表现主义画家Franz Kline曾表达过他对艺术的追求:“我想我一直在寻找一种能够表达感情与精神世界的途径。” Kline的作品以大胆简洁的黑色线条构成,对比强烈且充满张力。这些线条不仅成为了作品与艺术家表达的纽带,也为观者提供了足够的思考空间。


《向内生长》多媒体展览作品 hOMe

值得一提的是,展览中还包括一组互动作品 – hOMe。通过视觉与听觉的引导,参与者可以调整呼吸的节奏,随着内心平静的同时洞察动力的来源。艺术家本人也在这组作品中得到了心灵的疗愈。这组作品实现了艺术与观者之间的互动性,从而也体现了艺术品的实用性。

Fanyu Lin 在美国纽约High Line Nine Gallery参加 “The Power of Art in the Corporate World”


Fanyu Lin在美国纽约的画室


《向内生长》展览作品 “I'll Protect Her From You”-2023



╱ 展期 ╱

2024 年 9月21 至 10月11


╱ 展览地址 ╱

JIG SPACE集空间#106-8889 Laurel St, Vancouver,BC, Canada


╱ 展览开放时间╱

逢周三至周日: 下午 1 点 - 晚 6 点

艺术家 简介



Fanyu Lin is a multidisciplinary artist, working at the intersection of fine art, technology, architecture, and design. Since her formative years learning calligraphy, under the guidance of her grandfather, Lin has been deeply influenced by the unity of perception and expression, celebrating not just the beauty of forms, but the dynamic strokes that bring them to life. She experienced art’s innate power to heal, guide, and transform. As a Contributing Writer for the Chinese edition of the Financial Times, she interviews influential business and cultural leaders, producing articles and audio pieces on global leadership, art, and business. An active voice in global dialogues, Lin serves on the Bloomberg New Economy Cities Council, collaborating on a methodical, citizen-centric approach to urbanization. Lin is also the Chair of the Art & International Committee for the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York. She graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Columbia University.

策展方 介绍

Yumeng Li

As a Vancouver-based curator and graduate of Interactive Arts and Technology from Simon Fraser University. Yumeng has been deeply involved in the Vancouver art community, working with a diverse range of artists and projects to bring creative visions to life. Her passion lies in creating immersive and thought-provoking experiences that connect people with art in meaningful ways. With a background in interactive arts, she blends technology and traditional curation to push the boundaries of how art is experienced and appreciated.



策展方 介绍



除了在营销方面的出色表现,Rachel 还在艺术录片制作领域崭露头角,深入挖掘画布背后的故事,捕捉艺术创作的精髓。通过她的制作,她将艺术家、展览以及更广泛的文化景观的叙事编织在一起,能够引起经验丰富的藏家和新晋艺术爱好者共鸣的纪录片。她策划的活动不仅仅是展示,而是将艺术转化为一个充满生命和活力的实体,与观众进行深刻的互动。

Rachel Chen

A multifaceted force in marketing, documentary production, and art event promotion. As a seasoned marketing expert, Rachel brings a strategic and creative edge to her endeavours, transforming concepts into compelling narratives that captivate audiences.

In addition to her prowess in marketing, Rachel has emerged as a dynamic producer of art-related documentaries, delving into the stories behind the canvas and capturing the essence of artistic journeys. Through her lens, she weaves together the narratives of artists, exhibitions, and the broader cultural landscape, creating documentaries that resonate with seasoned art enthusiasts and those new to the world of creativity.

Her curated events are not just showcases but immersive journeys where art becomes a living, breathing entity, engaging with audiences on a profound level. Her knack for curating unforgettable moments has positioned her as a key player in the promotion of cultural happenings.

Whether she's shaping a marketing campaign, producing a documentary, or promoting an art event, Rachel Chen is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and interconnected cultural community.

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