
2023/12/05 01:18来源:FX168北美分站







Flowers in full bloom and a full moon are merely good stories; a mix of sunshine and rain, completeness and deficiencies, is the true state of life. The perfect and harmonious reunion, like in a theatrical play where everyone is happy, is just a false proposition. The truth of reality is that "sugarcane is not sweet at both ends." Understanding this point is an important consensus that each individual in Oriental Yuhong must reach.

As boats pass through a thousand mountains, people pass through numerous barriers. Oriental Yuhong faces great pressure with every step forward. Without pressure, there would be no determination to find ways to overcome various challenges and difficulties. Therefore, we adhere to the spirit of hard work, starting from hardship to extreme hardship, until we no longer feel the pain and can find sweetness in it. However, if we proclaim to carry the banner of “hard work” but ignore facts and blindly indulge in arrogance, we will often find ourselves trapped in the mire, blinded by our own narrow perspectives. Fundamentally, disregarding facts is going against common sense.

There is no myth of invincible battles or a miraculous move that can conquer all. Relying solely on the inertia of victory and avoiding uncertainty goes against the common understanding that “sugarcane is not sweet at both ends.” It is a typical problem. Balancing quality and cost, long-term and present, work and leisure, and many other aspects requires us to overcome our weaknesses and strive for balance, coordination, and harmony. This, in turn, forms a beautiful upward trajectory. It’s rare to find someone who can easily handle personal life and be highly efficient in work; they are almost like superhumans. Adaptation and change are inevitable choices for ordinary individuals like us to survive. What all of us in Oriental Yuhong can and should do is to adapt to the imbalances within balance. After recognizing the reality that “sugarcane is not sweet at both ends,” we must exert effort that is no less than anyone else’s, persevere, and constantly improve ourselves.

“The long road I’ve traveled is not always paved with roses; sometimes, it’s filled with thorns.” The journey is long, and it’s impossible for it to always be smooth. When perfectionism becomes excessive, it turns into greed and ignorance. We should be courageous enough to acknowledge that truth and common sense cannot be disobeyed, and flaws and regrets are part of the norm. We must step out of our narrow-mindedness, always remain cautious and clear-minded, stay humble and reverent, and fulfill our responsibilities without slackening. These are essential principles that we should never cease to follow.

We cannot have our cake and eat it too. Therefore, we should be broad-minded and have a far-reaching vision while diligently immersing ourselves in hard work. We should stride forward confidently, bravely facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. Let us encourage and inspire each other on this journey.
