
2023/09/06 06:12来源:第三方供稿


一粒生命力强韧的种子在卑微的土壤萌发、茁壮,生命之花绽放于平台 创客的瑰丽蓝图之中。这浩荡创业征程势必催生群星闪烁、精英荟萃的理想局面,我们将其命名为“精英治雨虹”。

正如地壳深处蕴藏炽热的岩浆,在我等平凡人的躯壳之中也沉潜着一股不可估量的力量。这股力量铸就精于开拓进取的英雄。他须有战将本色,一面立命,敢为人之所不敢为,敢当人之所不敢当;一面安命,不怨天尤人、不沾沾自喜,必要时亮剑,去开拓,去创造。让自由之风劲吹的平台 创客模式下,战将只管冲锋陷阵,公司将为其摇旗呐喊,以亚当·斯密提出的“效率工资”、可观的奖励倍酬精英之汗水。随着效率规则的强化,奋斗如此吸引我们——我们靠国家和社会创造的安稳的条件,靠自身努力取得成就,凭本事迎风改命逆袭成功。

A seed of vibrant vitality germinates and thrives in the humble soil, and the beautiful flower of life blooms in the magnificent blueprint of platform maker. Oriental Yuhong embarks on a magnificent entrepreneurial journey, destined to foster a scenario where stars shine and elites congregate, which it names the "Elite Hall of Oriental Yuhong".

The elites of Oriental Yuhong are not bound by extraordinary backgrounds, the need to be in the spotlight, or possess extraordinary intelligence. They don't have to be all-knowing, seasoned, prolific, or excessively talkative, nor should they be burdened with a history of countless hardships. Instead, what truly matters is their dedication to being specialists in their respective fields, relentless in their pursuit of knowledge, and unwavering in their commitment to continuously accumulate experience, hone their skills, and enrich themselves. In 2017, the departure of a dormitory cleaner and canteen worker at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in her 90s, affectionately known as "Sansao", sparked a profound sense of remembrance and heartfelt condolences from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Despite never attending school and possessing just a limited vocabulary of five words, she dedicated decades of hard work that left a remarkable impact on students. Her life became an influential example, earning her the esteemed recognition as the "treasure of HKU" and the esteemed title of Honorary Fellow. Every job is meaningful and deserving of respect. There are few exhilarating achievements in the realm of the ordinary. There's no difference between superiority and inferiority in life and work. The true dignity of work lies in our ability to effectively address the needs of those who share our lives. Even ordinary individuals should embrace numerous challenges in everyday tasks, ultimately transforming their lives into something extraordinary.

Just as scorching lava resides deep within the Earth's crust, an immeasurable force lies hidden within the very essence of ordinary individuals like us. This force molds heroes who dare to pioneer and forge ahead in their endeavors. He possesses the true qualities of a warrior, exhibiting unwavering bravery in his actions and an unmatched resilience in shouldering burdens that others shy away from. Moreover, he lives in peace without complaining or being complacent. Fearlessly wielding his sword whenever necessary, he courageously ventures into uncharted territories and harnesses his creativity to forge new paths. With the flexible platform maker model, Oriental Yuhong proudly raises its banner and rallies behind its warriors. Drawing inspiration from Adam Smith's concept of the "efficiency wage", a substantial reward system will amplify the diligent efforts of exceptional elites who strive tirelessly. As efficiency rules become more robust, the allure of overcoming challenges grows stronger. We are driven by the prospect of achieving success through our own endeavors, while benefiting from the stable conditions established by our country and society. With unwavering determination, we triumph against adversity, propelled forward by our own abilities.

Oriental Yuhong, fortified by an enduring ideal, unwavering faith, and a broad vision, consistently delivers unwavering support to its people.
